Thursday, June 28, 2012

LB: Experiment Procedures

LB: Experiment Procedures

  1. Apparatus/Materials
  2. Recipe
  3. Steps

List of Apparatus/Materials*

  1. 250 ml measuring cylinder, markings from 22ml-250ml per 2 ml
  2. 100 ml measuring cylinder, markings from 10-100 ml per ml
  3. 1 kg spring balance, markings per 20 g
  4. 15 cm plastic ruler, markings per cm
  5. 30 cm metal ruler, markings per cm
  6. Mercury laboratory thermometer, markings from -10-110°C per 1°C 
  7. 1 piece of A4 black paper
  8. Metal water displacement can
  9. 5 kg weighing scale, markings per 40g
  10. Utensils (metal pot, strainer, plate and knife; wooden chopsticks)
  11. Tap water at 27 °C 
  12. Assorted Star Brand food colouring**
  13. United Foodstuff glutinous rice flour**
  14. Flying Man Brand cornflour**
  15. Glad cling wrap**
  16. Pen and paper
  17. Calculator
  18. Camera
  19. Sumyeeta SD20B3 induction cooker
  20. Stopwatch
  21. HM-HDPE brand plastic bags
  22. Yihua SF-400 series kitchen scale
  23. Standard pack of poker cards 
*markings starting from 0 unless otherwise specified
**purchased from NTUC Fairprice 


The ratio of water to glutinous rice flour by weight in the GRBs is 1:1. A dusting of corn flour was used to prevent them from sticking to the plate and food colouring was added to differentiate individual balls.

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