Monday, July 23, 2012

Director's Cut: Final E

Director's Cut: Final E

This will be in two parts, specifically pertaining to the experiment and as a whole after this project, because I am lazy and also it makes no sense to spilt reflections that are very much connected. 

1. Experiment
  • The very fact that I acquired the use of the weighing scale by literally asking everyone I have ever met, then trucking my stove (and pot...and plates, measuring cylinders...flour...) to their house on the top floor shows that yes, how surprising, persistence is necessary. She was a very nice scale owner.
  • I am the kind of person who would download a whole new set of software, in which spreadsheets were merely a part, just because I found those tutorials easier. But that's good, I think OpenOffice can produce better graphs than Excel, even though I've only used them significantly in this project. Developing your own taste and all that.
2. As a whole 

First time using:

  • Image-J
  • Excel/OpenOffice
  • Online Journals
  • Sniping tool on desktop (like screen shot, but more controllable)
I guess it's past time to start...Yeah, I can see spreadsheets being very useful in the future.

The method for using water displacement (and the equipment), the concept of density, etc was learnt in physics class, and Google was very helpful in covering the rest.
Part of my bookmark bar...

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